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My Agenda: Destroy Australia

Frank Pledge

Apr 11 2017

12 mins

tongue out mockeryI am an Australian politician.  It does not matter to which party I belong because I am a ‘nowhere man’, like all the other members of my bipartisan swarm.  We do not need to communicate with each other because we know what needs to be done.  We are globalists, open-border internationalists, eager totalitarians, politically correct scolds and activists, propagandists posing as journalists and educators who pointedly do not educate.  We are those who believe in doing the right thing for the planet, rather than selfishly for Australia, and we do very niceely out of it, too, because a superior sort of person always deserves the reward of other people’s money in large amounts.

We instinctively know that destroying the old Australia is something we need to do as our contribution to saving the planet from the human vermin destroying it.  Fortunately, we also know there is no organised political front that can oppose us.  Collectivism always beats the individual, as we can spontaneously organise the gang numbers to crush individual dissent – and, of course, we have the support of the media, the ABC, the AHRC and thuggish trolls of all shades. Yes, we recognise Australians will suffer and that the nation will be impoverished, but we accept that as collateral damage. We know the survival of the planet is at stake.  Sacrificing you is necessary.

It has been a long battle, but we have almost won the war to de-industrialise, to undermine the society that built this country.  We have an agenda and we have taken it too far for anyone to stop it, so embrace the new nation we have re-shaped for you, whether you like it or not.  As a globalist ‘Australian’ I am proud of what we have done, so let me do a little boasting. Hear me out and you will understand not only the internationalist future we have planned but also that further resistance is futile.

In 1992, Maurice Strong openly announced our plans when he called for the destruction of capitalism and announced that it was our duty to bring about its collapse. We heard his call and set about assembling the means to achieve this aim.  We knew that it had to be done secretly, but in plain sight, so we infiltrated the UN, the universities, the NGOs, mainstream communications and the right-of-centre political parties.  The weapons we created were the demonization of energy (hydrocarbon fuels), nuclear power, hydro (by amusingly claiming they stopped the rivers from ‘running free’) and the promotion of alternative, expensive fake power sources in the form of some seriously outrageous ideas that we marketed as ‘clean energy’.

With overwhelming support from many sources we frightened governments into complying with our agenda. Those who didn’t, we targeted for marginalisation and destruction with our lies and distortions.  Even I am surprised how easy it was to convince people to part with their money to build unreliable wind farms, solar powered shadow grids (that are so useless their output is reduced by up to 80% by just a layer of dust – and we build them in dusty deserts!).

Of course, producing electricity was not their purpose — the ‘clean green’ palaver obscures the way we go about extracting subsidies, which is the main game.  To test the limits of insanity we suggest non-starters like ‘hot rocks’ and tidal energy as “renewable” sources of electricity.  We knew they would not work (any first year engineering student could have told you that), but these scams achieved their real aim of burning money and reducing the wealth available to provide roads, hospitals and schools, all the while making electricity expensive and unreliable. Manufacturing and smelting operations could not tolerate this situation so they began to close.  Our objective of de-industrialisation was now an inevitable, soon-to-be reality.

We falsely linked reliable energy to global cooling, then seamlessly changed our story to make it the weapon against global warming. When the global climate became neither much hotter nor much cooler, we adroitly switched the bogeyman’s label to ‘climate change’.  Our propaganda machine is now so polished and effective we could suggest that black is white and then, when everyone was in agreement, we could prove our point by changing white to black again.  That’s how confident we are. With the media, academics and my fellow politicians in fearful agreement, we cannot not lose. And if we encounter a serious opponent — a particularly witty cartoonist, say — we can use the courts or Australian Human Rights Commission to persecute any dissenters. And believe me, did we ever do that!

We squared the circle by ensuring energy rationing became a possibility, something that seemed an impossibility in the vibrant, realist ‘can do’ society Australia once was.  Why was rationing an objective, you ask?  Because when commodities are in short supply the people will appeal to us, the political elite, to save them.  All we need are one or two more turns of the screw to break the will of those who still believe in Australian sovereignty. And that day is close, believe me, very close indeed..

Despite a million gas-fracking drill holes in other parts of the world failing to have contaminated any known groundwater, state governments wouldn’t have a bar of the evidence. Exploratory gas drilling was outlawed in Victoria and the Northern Territory. In South Australia (the jewel in our crown), we crippled it with litigation. In Queensland we rounded up. and hyped-up, the usual gullible flock and had them ‘lock the gates’. You see, even when governments work against our objectives, we find ways to humble them. There’s nothing like a hippy in a koala costume to scare your more querulous politician into voting against the common good. Have you noticed how impotent governments are against our NGO agents, who have effortlessly tied up the Adani Carmichael Basin project for years in a Byzantine legal maze?  Is there any doubt that we will soon see Adani leave Australia altogether for Indonesia or the Philippines.

Last month’s closure of the Hazelwood power station in Victoria makes me particularly proud.  What a win we had over reality and truth! Here I would be remiss not to thank our schools and educators, who have done so much to make sure children know what to to think, not how to think. Have you seen the way our kids keep dropping down the international rankings for educational achievement, even as we make sure we spend more of other people’s money than ever before on schools and teacher salaries. Well done, chalkies!

A few months ago a talking head on the radio was interviewing an excited Victorian Minister for Energy, Lily D’Ambrosio, who was on her way to announce to loyal Hazelwood CFMEU members and the breathless press that Hazelwood would be closing.  She explained that the station was more than 50 years old, expensive to operate and the ‘dirtiest’ — we get to define the word — coal-fired power station in Australia.  Even for a Labor minister three errors in three ‘factual’ statements is right up there with the best we could hope for. Oh, and by the way, have you seen Ms D’Ambrosio with her advisers (below). Fresh-faced, eager and usefully ardent, their lack of acumen and experience is more than compensated by a self-righteous zealotry. Once again, well done, chalkies!

lilys kiddie club

Dismissing the collateral damage beyond the loss of a reliable and what should be a cheap source of electricity, Ms D’Ambrosio shrugged off the lost jobs of the skilled people who worked at Hazelwood, nor did she spare more than a bland word or two for the economic devastation of local towns dependent on those fired workers’ spending. Instead she  assured all and sundry that green jobs would make up the shortfall and, in the meantime, there would be subsidies and counselling and lots of public servants and NGO contractors with clipboards and kind words for the hungry and unemployed. The LaTrobe Valley from now will have a social-worker led economy!

If you have ever visited a ghost town like Burra Burra, Coolgardie or Cossack, you’ll know the romantic appeal of down-at-heel decay cannot be denied.  Adding Morwell, Yallourn and Traralgon to the list will produce the same sort of tourist attractions in Gippsland. Ms D’Ambrosio did very well parroting all those empty green nostrums while keeping a straight face, but she did slip a bit in not noting the tourist potential of towns where residents will have fled as their property values sank to zero.

Mind you, there could have been trouble if any reporter had pointed out that neither wind farms nor solar plants in Queensland produced a jot of electricity for days after Cyclone Debbie swept through. Fortunately, as noted above, your typical environmental reporter is none to bright, so we dodged that bullet. Well done, journalism school professors!


JUST a couple of decades ago I would have thought that our other goal of food-rationing was an impossibility.  Australia was a massive exporter of primary produce.  Today my dream of permanent shortages is approaching reality.  Thanks to the almost comical alarms and emotional scares we broadcast, we now have so many marine parks we must import 80% of our seafood.  Ours is an island continent surrounded by water, yet we must now import fish. If anyone wonders why that should be the case, one of our tame, grant-lavished academics starts yelling that the Great Barrier Reef is almost dead. This helps kill the overseas tourist trade as well.

Using the recent 11-year drought as our foundation we built the myth that ‘the new norm is a thousand year drought’.  This should have been an easily exposed fiction in Dorothea MacKellar’s ‘land of droughts and flooding rains’, but the fiction that the dams would never fill again served our purpose well. State governments squandered billions of dollars on useless, unnecessary and now-mothballed desalination plants. Our union mates loved that one. Well done, bruvvers, for all that feather-bedding and all those eight-figure cost-overruns.

Our dream of impoverishing Australia was already working well enough when, in a stroke of genius, we took it up a notch by  stopping farmers from farming, producing food, even clearing their own land.  We depleted the Treasury by buying back ‘water rights’ so irrigation became impossible, making farms uneconomic and destroying the rural economy.  To hasten the process we had our agents at the ABC whip up a shock! horror! expose and suspended live cattle exports the very next morning. Indonesia now imports cattle from as far away as Argentina. This was a market Australia once had pretty much all to itself, so we ruined it.  We order the planting of noxious native weeds near farms and along road verges, all the better for promoting bushfires.  We allow feral animals to infest our National Parks, banned hunters from killing them and told graziers who complain about ravaging wild dogs that those same parks, with all their foxes, rabbits, deer, pigs and goats were actually untouched “wilderness”. How dare you complain about a few hundred dead sheep, we sneered, when all you want to do is make money and ours is the protection of Gaia.

Naturally, we banned high-yield, genetically modified crops, such as ‘Golden Rice’, and painted it as ‘frankenfood’.  As a bonus, the lack of the vitamins that are genetically spliced into genetically modified crops kills around 50,000 children a year, removing more human parasites from the planet. I could go on, but you get the point.  Australia can now barely feed and sustain itself thanks to our efforts. Where does your breakfast orange juice come thse days? Brazil or California, most likely.

The aim of my swarm has always been to break the back of Australia by simultaneously using multiple strategies to attack the basis of culture, national pride and unity.  These strategies are well advanced.  I would love to show you how clever we elites are compared to you, but I won’t give away too many secrets.

Know, however, that we set out to erode and overwhelm the relaxed Australian culture of old — we see it as a lack of lack of culture — by bringing in legions of people who will never assimilate. More than that, we made sure they did not assimilate by stressing the importance of group identity and dividing the country into multicultural tribes. Parliament must now misdirect more billions of dollars to security services in the name of keeping us safe.  Yet we are no longer safe and can never be again, no matter how many times elderly ladies’ handbags are searched at the Sydney and Melbourne cricket grounds. On cue, one of our favoured mouthpieces pooh-hooed terrorism as nothing more than an inconvenience, a mere minor “irritation”. Dare to disagree and, well, our media auxiliary will denounce you as a bigot and a racist.

Education is a gem that took us decades to achieve, but we are now there.  Schools teach blather and tosh to children who can neither read nor write effectively, yet they know with absolute certainty that humans are destroying the planet, and that we “stole” Australia from the Aborigines, who presided over what they confidently believe to have been a Stone Age paradise. We’ve also made sure our Anzacs were re-cast not as heroes but as racist, raping war criminals, and it has all come together better than we might ever have hoped. A national self-loathing was our ultimate aim and that goal is at hand.  My grandson can repeat a faux-Aboriginal ‘welcome to country’ mantra, having heard it scores of times, but not the National Anthem or the Lord’s Prayer. I am proud that my swarm has won again.

I loathe Australia, always have, and can hardly wait for the reward of a superbly paid position at the United Nations in New York. So don’t forget to vote for me, though it matters little if you do not.

We are so close to winning it’s all over bar the tears. We took Australia away from you and you didn’t even notice.

How smart are we! How complacent are you!


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