The Latest From Michael Warby
The diversity-inclusion-equity faith system beloved of the Left insists that we must all share its addiction and that heretics must be brought ruthlessly into line. What those who advocate and advance identitarian politics refuse to recognise is that race talk traps people inside their skin tone, inside their melanin count, forever
Sep 21 2020
20 mins
Part 1 of “Why Our Major Cities Are in Decay” […]
Mar 01 2011
27 mins
Both Sydney and Melbourne express pathologies of modern urban planning. […]
Mar 01 2011
39 mins
A general State education is a mere contrivance for moulding […]
Sep 29 2010
37 mins
Here’s an historical puzzle: slaves cannot own property, they are property. Yet slaves did, on occasion, buy their own freedom. How can someone not legally entitled to own anything assemble enough wealth to buy their own freedom?
Because there is a difference between property rights recognised by law and property rights in the sense of the ability to use or control something. If this was not so, there would be no point to theft.
The puzzle of slaves buying their own freedom is how Prof. Yoram Barzel (fulsome tribute here) introduces the reader to the Economic Analysis of Property Rights.
Feb 19 2009
16 mins
It would be good if President Obama managed a successful Presidency for lots of reasons. One of Reagan’s most overlooked achievements was that it was beginning to look like a successful two-term Presidency was no longer possible (Kennedy shot; LBJ broken by Vietnam; Nixon resigned in disgrace; Ford not elected; Carter, one-term failure). Moreover, unsuccessful Presidencies tend to have manifold unfortunate consequences. And it would be good to complete the I Have A Dream effect.
Feb 18 2009
4 mins
A 1999 study (pdf) has some striking results about US academic political adherence by faculty.
This pattern--of faculties being much more left than the general populace but the degree to which they are differing notably by discipline--seems to me to be explicable.
Feb 17 2009
2 mins
The so-called political correctness phenomenon has two elements. One is a wish to promote a certain sort of civility in talk and writing.
But political correctness has a darker side.
Feb 16 2009
10 mins