The Latest From John Reid
Here we go again, with yet another attempt to animate the island state's moribund economy via vast sums of public money poured into the tertiary sector. Alas, until 'development', 'innovation' and the profit motive stop being regarded as dirty words, it will be good money after bad
Sep 12 2016
4 mins
After surviving a storm-tossed voyage, King James I concluded that witches must have conjured tempests to do him ill because nothing ever happens by chance. In promoting the notion that climate trends are shaped by an industrialised world's CO2 emissions, warmists are in the same boat
Oct 20 2014
7 mins
It hardly needs to be said that climate modelling is a far-from-settled science, despite what its practitioners would have us believe. Just how flawed becomes even more apparent when you consider that massive heat sources on the ocean floor have been entirely omitted from the warmists' calculations
May 03 2014
16 mins
Charles Darwin first recognised natural selection on a visit to the Galapagos. That insight might have been achieved with greater comfort and less travel had he paid closer attention to the family kitchen
Aug 11 2013
3 mins
If all industry and commerce were to be banished from the island, along with the human population and all manifestations of modern life, what pride might Australia take in its bold step to celebrate the natural and eliminate carbon emissions!
Jul 16 2013
4 mins
Lazy minds need catchphrases if they are to avoid original thought, hence " right wingers" pride of place in the left's demonology. It would require an effort, but so-called progressives should check own wardrobes. They'll find jackboots that fit to perfection
Mar 22 2013
8 mins
What could go wrong with a $25 million campaign to rid this windswept rock in the Southern Ocean of introduced species? Many things, as it happens, but you would never learn as much from the ABC's Science Show
Sep 11 2012
11 mins
Barry Hunt’s long-term climate model can never be tested against observation because any departure from reality can always be dismissed by him as “natural variability”. Such an approach to numerical modelling is dubious scientifically.
Jan 05 2011
7 mins
The less a thing is known, the more fervently it […]
Oct 01 2009
13 mins