The Latest From Michael Warren Davis
The pursuit of George Pell by leak, smear and ABC-style journalism has crystalised in charges and a court appearance set for later this month. It was a shocking process to watch, but not unprecedented. When the Left sets out to destroy an enemy no quarter is given
Jul 11 2017
3 mins
Seething at Barry Spurr’s ousting from Sydney University, I declared that parents who sought a proper education for their children should spurn universities. Barry would have none of it. Despite it all, he never lost faith in his persecutors’ potential for redemption
Jan 19 2017
10 mins
No one can honestly be surprised to hear a serial philanderer like Trump talk that way. It would be rank hypocrisy to decide that, of all the coarse and offensive things he’s said and done, this particular episode is what makes him terminably unpalatable
Oct 10 2016
5 mins
The are facts and then there are the Republican presidential contender's "facts", which shape-shift according to the candidate's needs of the moment. His stance on abortion, from opponent to pro-life supporter, is one such somersault, and his re-writing of recent history even more troubling
Aug 09 2016
4 mins
One doesn't even need the intelligence of a mechanical hare to see why NSW Premier Mike Baird's bid to scuttle the greyhound industry is flawed. It's not that his heart isn't in the right place, just that his conception mankind's relationship with animals is hopelessly sentimental
Jul 24 2016
5 mins
US politics has long been shaped by policies specifically crafted to win the fealty of recognised minorities -- a logic that assumes the largest single electoral demographic can be ignored at best or, just as often, actively disparaged. Donald Trump has shot down this canard
Jul 17 2016
5 mins
If Britain can forgive America the slights of the Obama era, and if Australia can forgive Britain hers, now is our chance to get the whole family back together. Europe loved Britain when she was submissive. We who share a common heritage can love her once again, very nearly unconditionally
Jun 30 2016
5 mins
It shouldn't be so hard to grasp, nor would it be if modern journalists' first instinct was not to report events as newsroom consensus prefers to frame them. A Muslim kills 49 people while screaming 'Alahu Akbar'. Obviously, conservatives, gun owners and Islamophobes are to blame
Jun 16 2016
4 mins
The first and most important thing to grasp about the expression of political views and sympathies is that they must not aggravate or annoy anyone on the left. Break that rule, as do Donald Trump supporters by attending his rallies, and you will only have yourself to blame for the bruising consequences
Jun 07 2016
4 mins