The Latest From Martin Lynch
Cultural safety doesn’t just mean removing the Australian flag lest it give indigenous people anxiety attacks. Apparently the mere presence of a non-indigenous person is a threat to safety. Consequently, according to Queensland state minister Leanne Enoch, it’s tickety-boo to exclude non-indigenous people from workplaces to ensure 'cultural safety'
Oct 02 2023
9 mins
The endorsement of 'traditional healing' as an antidote to indigenous suicides invites the funding of not mere snake oil but Pascoesque dark emu oil. Communities with quite enough problems will be subjected to a post-contact mishmash as defined by identitarian urgers with agendas. And more people will take their own lives
Jun 16 2021
16 mins
When I saw the tragic and unnecessary death of George […]
Oct 31 2020
24 mins
Like sorcerers who point the bone, the Left has worked its magic on Aborigines, leaving many unable even to identify friend from foe. Institutionalised racism is repackaged as positive discrimination. Apartheid is re-framed as Aboriginal separatism. And worst of all, the new lie holds that police are natural enemies of indigenous Australia
Sep 16 2020
15 mins
The idea that 'systemic racism' sees Aborigines imprisoned, killed or both in disproportionate numbers isn’t supported by the facts. Indeed, the opposite is true. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are given lesser sentences because they are indigenous. Racism really is at work, but it's in the form of 'positive discrimination'
Sep 15 2020
8 mins
She doesn’t need or care about apologies, recognition, policy objectives or statements from hearts. She’s got a life and it’s pretty chaotic. Government, even the bloated indigenous bureaucracy, can’t or won’t help her. What she needs and will never get is a culture that recognises individual agency, a colour blind legal system and a decent man in her life
Oct 19 2019
19 mins