The Latest From Mark Powell
Spare a thought for the delicate flowers of Australia's First XI, who have been offered counselling to cope with the Voice's failure. And they’re not the only ones in mourning, with Sydney's Clover Moore flying the Aboriginal flag at half-mast and what is evidently a widely distributed talking point -- 'Trumpian politics' -- on losers' lips all over. Don't these people own a mirror?
Oct 16 2023
6 mins
What’s happened to us as a sporting nation? When I was growing up the Wallabies were living legends, role models young people wanted to emulate. But at the moment, you’d be hard pressed to find a kid who could name more than three current players -- and not one of such a trio would be the cancelled and banished Israel Folau
Oct 02 2023
3 mins
Unlike the Anglicans, whose St Paul's Cathedral in Melbourne now features a permanent display celebrating animist belief with an image of the creator spirit Bundjil, the Presbyterians have said enough is enough. As Mark Powell explains, his church regards the fashionable reworking of Christian belief as a direct affront to the Bible's teachings
Sep 24 2023
6 mins
A number of prominent theologians -- Michael Jensen, for one -- promote the legitimacy of intergenerational guilt. This leads them to conclude that non-indigenous Australians today, even recently arrived migrants, are morally culpable. In this regard it is John Howard who has the better grasp of what Scripture says about the inheritance of guilt
Aug 27 2023
11 mins
I am not the first to observe the woke tendencies of the new AI programs, but it still came as quite the shock when I placed a request for information on the historical incidence of Aboriginal cannibalism and was informed that no help would be given. The reason: 'cannibalism is a sensitive and ethically charged topic ... it is crucial to focus on respectful and appropriate topics'. Apparently the pursuit of untwisted truth is no longer 'appropriate'
Jul 06 2023
5 mins
Indulge me as both a keen follower of cricket and a man of the cloth to make the connection between a sport followed with more passion than some religions and which exemplifies at its best the values of honesty, decency, courage and equality. Whatever criticism might today be directed at long-dead men in pith helmets, cricket represents a colonialist legacy that has been a force for good in the world
May 13 2023
6 mins
Stan Grant, flogging a new book and thrashing a dead monarch, has had an excerpt of his latest exercise in look-at-me grievance published in The Weekend Australian. Somehow, despite his handsome Q&A salary and a major imprint, Rupert Murdoch's HarperCollins, eager to publish his every half-formed thought, he remains a tragic victim
Apr 27 2023
7 mins
When Hobart councillor Louise Elliot moved to hear 'different views' before a decision to remove the statue of a former premier accused of mutilating an Aborigine's corpse, her motion was voted down without a debate. That truth is sacred and getting to it a moral obligation is a notion which appears not to be recognised at the Town Hall. Perhaps that is understandable, as few would welcome the accusation of Holocaust denial immediately heaped on Ms Elliot by activist Michael Mansell
Mar 22 2023
7 mins
Contrary to Tracy Linford's assertion that the murder of three people in Wieambilla was a consequence of 'Christian fundamentalism', no denomination condones the use of violence. Rather, a chief obligation of a follower of Jesus is to submit to governing authorities as one would submit to God. Let us hope she is better versed in the law than the New Testament
Feb 19 2023
4 mins