The Latest From Giles Auty
Giles Auty died in September, just short of his eighty-sixth birthday. He had been a valued friend and contributor to Quadrant ever since he arrived in Australia in the 1990s to write for The Australian. This memoir is the last in a series of three he wrote in the months leading up to his death
Nov 28 2020
14 mins
It is with a heavy heart that Quadrant mourns the sudden passing of friend and contributor Giles Auty, whose last essay appeared in our pages only three months ago. 'I believe that the greatest harm wrought to art in my lifetime,' he wrote, 'has been the steady intrusion of public funding into the realm of all of the arts.'
Oct 02 2020
13 mins
At various times as a full-time critic, I have wandered the storerooms of state and national galleries. If the public which pays for the art collected in its name could see even a fraction of the ephemeral rubbish it has effectively paid for, there would perhaps be cause for at least some form of cultural revolution
May 09 2020
10 mins
How Political Correctness is Destroying Australia by Kevin Donnelly Wilkinson […]
Jun 29 2018
13 mins
When I wrote about the controversial English art critic Brian […]
Nov 01 2015
6 mins
When the the Tate declined to purchase Lotte Laserstein's 'The Roof Garden,' the explanation was a bland dismissal of the work for not being “modern” enough -- a perfect example of the deleterious consequences in making modern a stylistic criterion of worth, rather than a word which relates purely to period
Jul 12 2015
16 mins
During those happy days when I was as likely to […]
May 01 2015
12 mins