Joe Biden and his enablers have put it about, as they always do, that Trump parades a cavalcade of lies whenever he gets near a microphone. Take a closer look at their big debate and it soon emerges that neither man uttered anything worse than candidates always do
July 7, 2024
15 mins
If you want a deliriously bent answer from a modern leftist—or from a bureaucrat under leftist command—just ask a straight question.
May 28, 2024
10 mins
'I can hardly believe these MSO programme notes could be so ill-informed and so keen to whitewash an era of hideous tyranny and murder in the now-unlamented Soviet Union,' I complained some years ago. To my surprise, my gripe was taken to heart. I seriously doubt that would be the reaction today
May 24, 2024
12 mins
The latest
Speaking for myself, I'm very glad to have grown up in an era when seduction was alive and well, woke just meant awake, LGBTIQ+ were random letters and there were only two genders. Today's lusty Lochinvars face an entirely different world, one where taking precautions needs to involve rather more than prophylactics
May 19, 2024
5 mins
As Roger Scruton observed in half a dozen books and many essays, the fight to preserve classic music has not gone particularly well over the past century. Truth, beauty and a sense of the divine have been all but erased from our shared musical palette -- victims of modernity’s anti-aesthetic march and the ever-present neo-Marxist will to destroy
October 22, 2023
15 mins