The Latest From Jeremy Sammut
Dissatisfaction with the leaders democracy throws up is as old as the institution itself but the solution is not, as some suggest, more power to unelected bodies. Rather, we might perhaps begin by giving rank-and-file party members the chance to select their candidates
May 01 2019
8 mins
Corporate leaders seem not to grasp that their embrace of 'socially responsible' agendas -- be it gay marriage, expensive electricity or any other fashionable crusade of the Left -- inherently embraces the values of some groups while alienating others. Daft indeed, yet that is happening time after time, company after company
Jan 24 2019
19 mins
If the Liberal Party is to save itself, much less the nation, it must not shirk the challenge of pushing back against the progressive zeitgeist. Ignoring the values of the rank-and-file who join the branches, man the polling booths, and who donate and raise money is a certain recipe for casting the party into the abyss
Dec 10 2018
5 mins
Few can rival the Race Discrimination Commissioner for spotting what isn't there, the latest example being his gripe that too many white men occupy board positions he would prefer to see allocated to quota'd minorities. Somehow, though, racist policies afflicting Indigenous kids escape his attention
Jul 14 2017
5 mins
Socially conservative means achieve economically dry ends, and vice versa. By adhering to the principles of small-government conservatism, a shared commitment to common social and economic policy means and ends can forge a renewed unity of purpose in the Centre-Right
May 25 2017
11 mins
Some things just can't be said without incurring the wrath of those with a vested interest in obscuring the obvious. Indigenous child abuse, for example, is a definite no-go zone, as any focus on parental responsibility dims the halo of sainted victimhood. Bill Leak went there and paid a shocking price
Mar 14 2017
6 mins
Instead of demanding an end to harmful 'family preservation' policies, South Australia’s Nyland Royal Commission all but openly urges that foster care remain a dumping ground for children failed and damaged by the system
Aug 19 2016
4 mins
Waste and inefficiency mean we spend much more on health than we should, and for no good outcomes in terms of improved health per additional dollar spent. Only by by allowing Australians to choose private alternatives can there be any hope restoring value for money
Jul 21 2016
4 mins
The journalist and TV personality's book, 'Talking to My Country', is not simply the heartfelt testimony of one man’s 'lived experience' as an Aboriginal Australian, it is a chronicle of a would-be victim's quest to justify his alienation from the country in which he has done well
Jul 13 2016
36 mins