The Latest From Lillian Andrews
Time after time, Premier Palaszczuk has declared her faith that Commissioner Katarina Carroll is the right person to lead QPS into its brave new era of full-blown wokeness. This support is all the more remarkable for the findings of an inquiry that has found the state's top cop to be 'wilfully ignorant ... kept in the dark or ... deliberately obfuscating'
Nov 22 2022
4 mins
No matter how much we are told the Voice is about ‘reconciliation,’ it looks a lot like something that, far from improving lives, is likely to lead to Aboriginal people being treated as responsible for their own disadvantage in ways that non-Aboriginal people are not. The beneficiaries? Governments able to say with a shrug 'just following Aboriginal wishes’
Oct 13 2022
4 mins
If the referendum Labor is pushing with such apparent gusto results in a resounding 'No', it can blame the defeat on Australia's inherent racism while crowing amid a torrent of crocodile tears that a campaign promise had been fulfilled. Quietly, and for good reason, their smarter strategists will be heaving sighs of immense relief
Jul 21 2022
5 mins