The Latest From Professor Bunyip
That online petition demanding an end to Alan Jones' on-air presence is not worth the paper it isn't written on, as Skippy the Bush Kangaroo could have told all those quality journalists who keep touting it
Oct 05 2012
6 mins
Stephen Conroy's first big idea, apart from squandering billions on the NBN, was to censor the sites Australians can visit on the web. Indecent as that synaptic flicker may have been, the latest manifestation of his arrogance takes the cake
Sep 29 2012
1 mins
Every day Fairfax’s Michelle Grattan & Co weigh in on the political news of the day. Is it worth razing forests for the pulp they smear with the ink of partisan reporting?
Sep 17 2012
8 mins
On his blog, Bunyipitude, Professor Bunyip has responded to claims made today in Fairfax papers with this open letter to journalist Saffron Howden.
Apr 12 2012
1 mins
Professor Bunyip on The Fabrication of Aboriginal History, an interesting suggestion about a coming change at the ABC, and how Fairfax protects its own.
Mar 29 2012
2 mins
What is it with the Left and censorship? Professor Bunyip reports on an advertising boycott of The Bolt Report being organised by the intolerant Left. It's called "Operation Bolt Cutter", seriously.
May 10 2011
1 mins