The Latest From Stephen H. Balch
Promoting the deconstruction of gender roles, as modern feminism urges, works to divorce women from their intrinsic natures—a very unhappy outcome. Worst of all, it creates one more wedge issue suitable for the further aggrandisement of government power
Feb 23 2018
13 mins
Europe's ascent largely revolved around control of the Mediterranean basin where Rome had built its domain. By dividing that sea into two antagonistic spheres, Islam broke its unifying power and gave Western competitiveness its chance
Oct 28 2016
13 mins
Nowadays we all seek “the good life”, but in doing […]
Jun 01 2016
13 mins
Moral one-upmanship lifts the preacher and lowers the congregation, and while secularisation has reduced sin's potential to incite a pulpiteer's scolding that has not prevented the emergence of new rebukes. Think here of the many PC "isms" said to signify indelible wickedness
May 10 2016
26 mins