The Latest From John Izzard
Australia's Human Rights Commissioner is a master in the art of ‘not going there’, that hallowed bureaucratic device of ignoring responsibilities that are blindingly obvious in order to focus on agendas and crusades favoured by those with the power to promote them
Jul 07 2016
13 mins
The consummate sleazebag, thief and all-round corruptocrat who launched and shaped the UN effort to rid the world of CO2 has died, appropriately enough as his heirs gather in Paris to rob the world blind. Good riddance
Dec 02 2015
6 mins
For oft, when on my couch I lie In vacant […]
Oct 01 2014
11 mins
The promise to scrap Section 18C was accepted in good faith by those who cast their votes for the Coalition at the last election. Now that it has been broken, what exactly has that retreat achieved, other than to demonstrate that the Prime Minister cannot be taken at his word?
Aug 11 2014
6 mins
Please, do not heed the grievance mongers and those who have make something of a career out of being habitually offended. Stay strong. Refuse to buckle under pressure. Recognise Section 18C for the evil that it is
Jun 17 2014
6 mins
If there is a bone to pick with the Institute of Public Affair's splendid symposium it is that, while the enemies of liberty bring a relentless passion to their never-ending war on the pillars of our society, defenders of West and its legacy prefer to talk about the threat rather than confront it
May 12 2014
7 mins
The naked bias that continues to flourish under the indulgent stewardship of Managing Director Mark Scott is but one aspect of the national broadcaster's malaise. When it comes to quality programming, you will find precious little of it. Is vulgarity and the tawdry aping of the commercial networks' fare all we can expect for more than a billion dollars a year?
May 06 2014
6 mins
One does not need to be clairvoyant to know that the left will have worked itself into quite a froth by this time next year, when the Anzac centenary will incite and inflame that tear-it-down instinct at the heart of what passes for the 'progressive' intelligentsia
Apr 26 2014
7 mins
Here's a way for defenders of Section 18 to demonstrate that the loathsome gag on freedom of speech might be worth keeping: They could prosecute their bigoted friends. You know, the March In Marchers with their placards calling for the assassination of a conservative Prime Minister
Apr 04 2014
7 mins