The Latest From Barry Brill
Every fresh IPCC report needs a simple summary suitable for sound bytes and the parrots of the press who pass themselves off as aware and informed environmental journalists. If only those talking points bore some relevance to the known facts
Aug 30 2013
9 mins
Even The Economist, formerly a supporter of measures to control greehouse gases, is losing its faith in the theories that have unwritten the warmist monolith. Let us hope Australia's politicians are attentive subscribers
Apr 08 2013
6 mins
The anxiety-industrial complex won't stop pumping out alarms, science's bought-and-paid-for modellers will play with their mainframes as reporters little better than children parrot every unreliable word. But don't let any of that raise a frown. Global warming has stopped
Mar 26 2013
4 mins
Remember when global warming was all about surface temperatures? Now that IPCC Chairman Pachauri has let the climate cat our of the bag, Tim Flannery & Co. have had to make some adjustments. The mainspring of global catastrophe is now somewhere at the bottom of the sea
Mar 06 2013
3 mins
The NZ Government is the first to legislate financial penalties on natural gas emanating from ruminant animals. The claimed justification is that the ETS levy is an “insurance policy” against the possibility that methane might contribute to a future of dangerous global warming.
May 18 2011
5 mins
At the Heartland Climate Conference in Sydney, David Evans and Jo Nova blasted the ‘cheating culture’ which permeates the field of climate science world-wide.
Oct 19 2010
7 mins
The 5th International Climate Conference, sponsored by the Heartland Institute of Chicago, was the first to travel outside the USA. It was held in Sydney on 1 October, and provided a depth of interest and scholarship which delighted the hundred-plus attendees.
Oct 18 2010
6 mins
It is almost impossible to avoid the conclusion that NIWA’s political urge to prove a warming trend overcame its professional urge to apply objective scientific principles in constructing a sound and defensible temperature series.
Jun 01 2010
6 mins
New Zealand’s National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research and the Climate Ministers are attempting to save face rather than confess that they have been running their policies on the basis of bogus data for many years.
May 15 2010
16 mins