In Memory of Bill Leak

leak mug IIHe was but a man — a lovely, warm and captivating man, to be sure — but  just one more citizen when all is said is done. What made Bill Leak stand out, why his memory will live on, that had everything to do with his bravery. We need more like him, that’s for sure.

Below, an omnibus of links to Quadrant Online’s coverage of the man, his death and those who merrily added to the stress on that brave, magnificent heart.

Bill Leak: His last testament

Christopher Carr: Let us raise an an army of Leaks

Michael Galak: Australia’s first free-speech martyr

Peter Smith: The Left left Leak

Keith Windschuttle: Bill Leak and David Low

James Allan: If only Turnbull hd Bill Leak’s spine

Roger Franklin: Bill Leak and his persecutors

and from Zeg….

zeg leak big

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