The Latest From Gavin Atkins
Gavin Atkins reports that Ouyen is giving up its annual Vanilla Slice Triumph. And links to a great website devoted to Vanilla Slices.
May 16 2011
1 mins
Gavin Atkins on the everyday bias of the ABC. Is the Coalition still out to lunch?
May 10 2011
1 mins
It’s been fascinating to see the non-reaction of the Left, who seem to have collectively decided (do they decide anything any other way?) that ignoring the book will make it go away.
Dec 10 2010
1 mins
Julia Gillard’s conduct in offering a ministerial position to the Independent, Rob Oakeshott while he was deciding who to support in creating a minority Government has remarkable parallels to the actions that caused the New South Wales Premier Nick Greiner to resign in 1992.
Sep 08 2010
3 mins
I like to think that the work of the commentariat contributed to Gillard's disastrous campaign, seducing her into believing that Abbott was unelectable. These assumptions came crashing down at Rooty Hill where, away from ABC land, the Prime Minister finally came face to face with people whose opinions really mattered.
Sep 02 2010
2 mins
When Rudd says he will turn back boat people, what he means is that he will repeal laws making it difficult for asylum seekers to stay in Australia, lure flotillas of boats, cause dozens of people to drown on the way here, and turn people smugglers into millionaires within 12 months.
May 20 2010
2 mins