The Latest From Tom Quirk
The latest Australian Energy Market Operator report on the state's electricity market illustrates much more than the inevitable problems associated with integrating intermittent renewables, it also highlights the assault on logic that is part and parcel of the great green dream
Feb 11 2017
5 mins
Climate catastropharians' effusive confidence in their cause demonstrates yet again that an unexamined belief is not worth holding. Pose a few simple questions, as Socrates might have done, and it won't be long before someone is calling for the hemlock
Nov 27 2016
2 mins
Science does not produce innovation on command, no matter how much Chief Scientist Ian Chubb and the Australian Academy of Sciences assert otherwise. In nominating research areas that "must" be funded, they fail to recognise that the advance of knowledge pays little heed to bureaucratic edicts
Apr 11 2015
7 mins
Put the ABC business editor, John Hewson, Ross Garnaut and a couple of other coal-phobic gabblers on the same stage and what do you get? Why, that fabled "elephant in the room" -- and a jumbo-size load of alarmist droppings to mark its effect on otherwise intelligent souls
Nov 25 2014
8 mins
The US and Australia have charted different paths to achieve their common goal of reducing greenhouse emissions. While each makes a fine platform for green rhetoric and electoral posturing, neither course acknowledges the inescapable truth that the developing world couldn't care less about CO2
Nov 21 2014
4 mins
A recent sea-level decline is being attributed to Australia's sponge-like capacity to soak up vast quantities of rain that would optherwise have flowed straight to the sea. That's one explanation. Here is another
Sep 02 2013
3 mins
Surrounded by traffic and bathed in the heated exhausts of the tens of thousands of cars and trucks passing by it's CBD site, the BoM's hallmark monitoring station on the edge of Melbourne's CBD leaves much to be desired. So does the BoM's computer-driven approach to calculating the site's mean temperature
Apr 23 2013
5 mins
Climateers always insist that the science is settled and no reputable reseacher can disagree. Their medical counterparts believed just as firmly that spicy food causes ulcers -- and they were no more tolerant of the two men who proved them wrong
Jan 21 2013
7 mins
On April 5, 2012, Quadrant Online ran a critique of […]
Dec 01 2012
10 mins