The Latest From Marc Hendrickx
Australians with the wrong skin colour no longer have the right to access their own country. The proof arrived in the form of a stiff fine issued by NSW bureaucrats because I climbed Mt Warning, alleged to be the sole province of one particular Aboriginal group. Well I won't stop climbing and call on Australians of all colours to join me when I defy the law again
Aug 14 2024
6 mins
I am by nature a law-abiding individual, but the closure of Mt Warning to all but a select group of Aborigines is so wrong at so many levels that I call on all fair-minded Australians to take the initiative and hike to the summit in defiance of an irrational and heartless policy based on faux history and racist exclusion
May 12 2024
6 mins
Many have been slow to recognise the war being waged by 'progressives' who control much of our bureaucracy, media and corporations. Their corrosive influence has elevated postmodernist absurdities about race, gender and animism over history, science and freedom of speech and movement
Mar 28 2024
11 mins
If Australians don’t raise a fuss, we risk being locked out of so many wonderful things. Uluru has already been snatched, likewise Mount Warning and, in Victoria, some much-loved Grampians climbs are now off limits -- these bans and exclusions all based on race. The omens are grim, especially if the Voice gets up
Sep 12 2023
31 mins
Australians have been slow to realise how much the political players who now control much of our public sector and government embrace post-modernist notions of race, gender, identity and combine it with a weird reverence for animism. Now the reminders are coming thick and fast -- the latest, following the 'indigification' of Ayers Rock and Mt Warning, being bureaucrats' 'temporary' ban on all but Aborigines climbing Mt Tibrogargan
Jul 04 2023
4 mins
In 1929, when the track to the summit of Mt Warning and its spectacular views was opened, a local dignitary proclaimed the site a permanent reminder that all Australians are entitled to access and enjoy the beauty of nature. Almost 100 years later, that is no longer true. Now, aided by NSW bureaucrats' mismanagement, it belongs only to a small group of local Aborigines
Jan 17 2023
12 mins
How surprised must the Aboriginal groups seeking control of Mt Warning have been when their demand was blessed with a meek and submissive 'yes' from a mouse-like NSW government? Every other Australian should be appalled that access to the first point on the mainland touched by the dawning sun has been denied them solely on the basis of race
Oct 26 2022
6 mins
The Australis Statement from the Sea, named after the ship Australis that brought so many migrants to these shores, calls for recognition of Third Wave citizens who arrived after World War II. If we're going to divide the nation according to race and ethnicity, might as well do a proper job of it
Jun 29 2022
1 mins
One cost estimate for NSW's most recent lockdown runs to around $18 billion, a sum for which I figured there must surely be some official appraisal of the benefits seen as likely to be bestowed, given that the law requires any expenditure of $10 million to be justified. Much to my surprise it seems nothing of the kind exists or, if it does, is ever likely to be released
Nov 04 2021
7 mins