The Latest From Mervyn F. Bendle
Central to the new strategy of Holocaust denial are foreign historians and intellectuals eager to provide examples of 'genocide' their own countries have allegedly committed. Does it come as a surprise that Australia's professorial peddlers of massacre myths and legends were on the first plane, metaphorically speaking, for a revisionist conference in Berlin
Aug 01 2024
37 mins
This article has its genesis in a letter by Dr […]
Jun 30 2020
25 mins
Originating in the separation of the Christ of Faith from the Jesus of History, the varied and often conflicting efforts to both explain, position and claim Him have devolved into iconoclasm and uncertainty. On Easter Sunday, Mervyn Bendle's 2013 essay is well worth reprising
Apr 12 2020
25 mins
It was Paris, May 1968, when Roger Scruton saw into […]
Feb 27 2020
28 mins
If Australia's future is ever to match the blessing of its resources and potential of its people, the Green-Left mindset that has burdened the nation since the 1980s must be replaced by the self-confidence and nation-building activism that sustained us for nearly two centuries
Dec 11 2019
18 mins
The great lesson of the 20th Century is that the constructive strands of the Western tradition, which empowered its ascendancy for over half a millennium, may now be too enfeebled to withstand the assault of moral nihilism, intellectual sloth, and self-righteous cultural philistinism. Overall, a grim outlook.
Nov 11 2019
16 mins
'The Last Intellectuals: Essays on Writers & Politics' remains an outstanding book that illuminates when Coleman and others like him stepped forward to hold the line before one of the most sinister threats in the history of the world. A battle far from over, it was one he never shirked from fighting
Apr 02 2019
15 mins
Activists and ideologues in the media, academia, even the nation's Parliament, have worked tireless to excavate an ideological vacuum at the core of both the Anzac legend and Australians' conception of themselves as heirs to a fair, decent, often heroic past. In a powerful speech at the most recent Quadrant dinner to launch his new book, 'Anzac & Its Enemies', Mervyn Bendle called those detractors to account
Apr 26 2015
32 mins
Nothing better illustrates the triumph of propaganda over fact than the confected narrative, beloved of Islamists and leftists, which asserts the battles of 900 years ago were imperialist assaults on peaceful and blameless Muslims. They were nothing of the kind
Mar 26 2015
13 mins