The Latest From Wanda Skowronska
Psychologists are usually a friendly bunch, as one might expect from members of a 'helping' profession. In recent years, however, things have taken a darker turn. There are matters which have caused deep division within the profession, not least 'trans affirmative' policies and their academic enforcers
Feb 28 2024
18 mins
It is extraordinary that Freud’s derivative and scientifically wrong ideas permeated entire halls of academe and indeed societies, and it will take some psychoanalysis to explain how this pervaded and prevailed for nearly a century. How do intellectual cultures, societies and civilisations become enthralled by such erroneous views, which go against the observations of common sense? For highlighting that question we owe Rudolf Allers a great debt
Feb 06 2024
17 mins
Sigismund Koch (1917–1996) was a forceful critic of his own […]
Jun 29 2023
16 mins
Along with many accounts of memorable Irish characters, such as Archbishop Daniel Mannix and others, James Franklin's Catholic Thought and Catholic Action outlines the extraordinary evolution of lay societies designed to create a complete Catholic culture covering most aspects of life. This is a book dedicated to exploring and preserving communal Catholic memories
Jun 04 2023
12 mins
There was a dark horse lurking from the mid-twentieth century onwards—humanistic psychology—which became the deadliest conduit of critical theory’s anti-Western thrust. Amongst those few who recognised the threat and stood against was Paul Vitz, who one might go so far as to call the Solzhenitsyn of Western psychology
Sep 27 2022
17 mins
The near-hypnotic concentration on the authorised COVID narrative led Australians to regard the bureaucrats' daily media briefings as must-see viewing. Meanwhile, with the TGA revelling in its newly acquired status as oracular arbiter, a bristling intolerance for rival analyses and competing outlooks took root in government, amongst its media handmaidens and, inevitably, the public mind
Mar 17 2022
13 mins
With the West's leading cultural institutions infiltrated, seized and colonised by the Left, it will often seem to those concerned for their careers that silence is the best policy. That is a mistake, for there are ways to fight back -- ways that, like the West itself, arise from the individual. Take heart. Speak up. Fight back. If not you, who?
Jan 15 2021
12 mins
At peace and without rancour despite the years of baseless persecution at the hands of the courts, Premier Daniel Andrews' police force and the media, the Cardinal's forthcoming book will be a powerful testimony to his quiet endurance and trust in God's providential care
Aug 14 2020
6 mins