Nasser Mashni, president of the Australia Palestine Advocacy Network (APAN), has been impossible to avoid since the October 7 massacres
September 11, 2024
11 mins
The Arabs lost in1948 and have since used a motley collection of Circassian, Turkish, Jordanian, Syrian and Lebanese Arabs, renamed Palestinians in 1967, to ceaselessly prosecute the original war of rejection
September 11, 2024
10 mins
The cost of the Paris Olympics will never be known, but whatever it might be the French taxpayer will foot the bill
September 1, 2024
9 mins
The latest
Vance, like many former-Never Trumpers, belatedly acknowledged that Trump was simply ahead of the curve when it came to economic nationalism and protectionist initiatives to defend the United States against the predatory and antagonistic practices of foreign interests—not least Beijing which, according to some estimates, steals as much as half a trillion dollars a year in American intellectual property.
August 29, 2024
19 mins
Russia has long insisted that in return for peace, Ukraine must give up the 20 per cent of its territory that Russia currently occupies as well as any aspiration of joining NATO. These terms were unacceptable to Ukraine.
August 29, 2024
9 mins
Apart from growing up in fatherless homes, what the three most prominent women at the centre of the scandal have in common is the arrogance of their predators. Quite correctly, they assumed there would be no price to pay and, beyond that, they would be admired for their 'freedom' in defying those despised 'bourgeois conventions'
August 25, 2024
22 mins
Losing your state once may be reckoned misfortune but losing it twice begins to look like carelessness. Reunited in 1990, the Fatherland became a nation for the third time and has since acted with more caution, realism and perhaps wisdom than everyone in Europe and America has always liked.
August 25, 2024
51 mins
Seventy-five years after the old empire became the new Commonwealth, there’s no more like-minded group than the CANZUK countries. Why not build on that affinity by making all trade between them tariff-free? Why not work towards mutual recognition of trade and professional qualifications?
August 25, 2024
9 mins
In simpler times the government ran the country, parliament made the laws, and the courts decided what was illegal. What’s happened over recent decades is a tendency for unelected judges to insert themselves into political decision-making on the assumption that their decisions are superior to those of elected and accountable ministers
August 25, 2024
14 mins
It is more than a cliche to say that it is better for the guilty to go free than for an innocent person to be convicted. The failure of a prosecution, particularly a difficult prosecution, is not, therefore, necessarily a criticism of those represented the Crown. That is not, however, the way elements of the press saw the sensational acquittal of the original Doctor Death
August 25, 2024
23 mins
Adolf Hitler admired Islam for its hatred of Jews. In his memoir, Inside the Third Reich (1995), Albert Speer reported that “Hitler believed Nazis and Muslims were united in their cause because we were jointly fighting the Jews.”
August 25, 2024
20 mins
A population with a large proportion of people dependent on welfare payments, easily cowed by forceful authority, heavily influenced by social media, insufficiently sceptical of the 24-hour news cycle and partly fuddled by alcohol and drugs will not suddenly express prudent values. Those who seek to shape and control know this
August 25, 2024
21 mins