The Latest From Barry Maley
Current events in America are notably unsettling, from Big Tech's assumption of the power to determine what can and can't be said in the public square of online fora to the nation's ramshackle electoral system and growing doubts about the mental competence of the man it placed in the Oval office. All of this and more raises worrying issues for Australia
Aug 20 2021
6 mins
Parenting and child-care payments cost many millions of dollars, giving governments a large stake in the stability or otherwise of families. Would it not be sound policy for the state to deem de facto couples subject to the same rules of separation as divorcing, formally married couples?
Jul 23 2015
7 mins
The cloth that obliterates the face sends a message of separation and rejection, so it is no surprise that Australians of non-Muslim backgrounds are appalled. By blacking-out and demeaning womanhood, an implanted culture bares its contempt for a tolerant and easy-going host
May 16 2015
7 mins
The Prime Minister has declared his support for a proposal […]
May 01 2014
27 mins
Liberalism, or liberal-conservatism, in its classical British sense, is both […]
Dec 01 2011
32 mins