The Latest From Paul Collits
What mass migration represents is the greatest instance of hyper-colonialism in human history. This isn't the old-style British colonialism which, despite its faults, bequeathed the rule of law and durable institutions. But not all of us are accepting Third World colonialism and colonists. The natives appear to be restless
May 14 2024
9 mins
Most people no longer get their news from the mass media. For those in and around corporatist government who seek to control minds and influence behaviour -- to manufacture consent, in other words -- this doesn’t much matter. They have better ways to achieve their ends
Jan 08 2024
15 mins
PC totalitarianism permits nothing even close to a simulacrum of truth, and not an especially reconciliatory version either. But this is the way of Makarrata: 'truth' as power. A veneer of assertions and allegations, no matter how vague, historically dubious or flat-out wrong, lends weight to the cause. Just don't press too hard when asking 'What is truth?
Aug 11 2023
12 mins
Much of what might be considered as 'the right' were unabashed defenders of globalisation, seeing it it as reducing poverty in developing countries, driving trade and the creation of new cross-border industries. Ironically, it is now the right, loosely defined, that opposes globalism as an attack on national and individual sovereignty, while the new left loves it for the same reason
May 11 2023
14 mins
Thanks to what he has signalled as an imminent capitulation, those with reservations about their same-sex attraction are to be denied even the right to seek guidance from a counsellor, a pastor, perhaps even their own families. When time came to lean on Dominic Perrottet, Team Rainbow's slightest nudge achieved the desired crumble
Feb 20 2023
9 mins
Louise Milligan is an anti-Catholic dog-whistler. Nothing more, nothing less. How else could she have been gulled by the absurd stories of The Kid, aka Witness J, and his fantasies of sordid scenes in St Pat's sacristy. Yet we continue to pay her salary (and legal fees) as the anti-Catholic beat-ups keeping coming
Jan 31 2023
9 mins
Two centuries of relative peace and harmony are now up for grabs, as those with an interest in subverting our history and heritage, imperfect as it has been, set out to divide our people and destroy our culture, one institution at a time. Still, there is hope for January 26. Derided and declared to be 'over', Anzac Day subsequently made an almighty comeback. If the will is there, Australia Day can do likewise
Jan 28 2023
10 mins
Like carrion birds screeching with delight at death's arrival, those who despised George Pell when alive threw restraint to the wind upon learning he had passed away in Rome. Most have likely never heard the term 'white martyr', but that is what their worst efforts made of the Cardinal -- a soul elevated by the bloodless sacrifice of rising above the torments they inflicted
Jan 16 2023
14 mins
When Pope Benedict reigned, it still made sense to regard the question , 'Is the Pope a Catholic?' as a joke. Now, not so much. Of his successor, people of faith are largely reduced to sighing and, perhaps, concluding that 'God’s ways are not our ways'
Jan 02 2023
9 mins