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James Allan

James Allan

The Latest From James Allan

  • Lawyerly Caste Turns Left

    If, like me, you detest as patronising and condescending the ritualistic 'acknowledgements of country', you simply cannot get a senior administrative position in an Australian university—though an unwillingness to sing the national anthem or celebrate Australia Day would probably not hurt you one iota

    Aug 25 2024

    16 mins

  • Court Throws Trudeau under a Truck

    At the height of the covid hysteria, Canada's Justin Trudeau shamed even Victoria's rubber-bullet brigade -- aka Daniel Andrews VicPol thugs -- by not only beating and arresting protesting truck drivers but also seizing their bank accounts and those of their financial supporters. Well a senior court has just ruled the emergency measures were unlawful -- a decision that might just inspire some accountability when the nation goes to the polls

    Feb 10 2024

    6 mins

  • The Critical Mass of My Righteous Fury

    I won't apologise for the disgust poisoning my otherwise sunny disposition of late because any rational person must surely feel much the same. Team Biden's shambolic and dangerous maladministration, the burdening of the young with debt and shrinking prospects and, of course, the ongoing consequences of the insane response to COVID. Anger doesn't describe the half of it

    Mar 18 2022

    6 mins

  • First Turnbull, then Morrison, next … Albanese?

    That Scott Morrison can’t get out of bed without seeing what a focus group thinks has become patently clear, especially in light of the COVID pandemic. This saw him offload leadership and responsibility to the premiers lest he be required to make a hard decision. He is yet another reason to revile Turnbull for knifing Abbott and making inevitable the slide into today's principle-free 'conservative' government

    Oct 28 2021

    7 mins

  • My Growing Sense of Disappointment

    Yes, Morrison & Co are better than Team Albo, but that's not saying much. Meanwhile, in regard to the economy and freedom-related issues, this Coalition government has spent the pandemic mimicking a soft socialist one.  Who voted for that?

    Mar 04 2021

    6 mins

  • A Lockdown Sceptic Abroad

    After observing Britain's panicdemic at close quarters, two things are as clear as the mask on your face. One: never again let public health doctors have this sort of power and influence. Two: those without skin in the game make the worst decisions. Politicians who claim ‘we’re all in this together’ are uttering flat-out lies

    Mar 01 2021

    7 mins

  • Team Biden’s Witches’ Brew

    Until opinions aren't censored and their advocates de-platformed, until law and order is highly prized, until jobs are a priority, and until education and hard work are widely esteemed, things look bleak for the US. And that means things look bleak here in Australia and throughout the West

    Feb 17 2021

    6 mins

  • It’s Not Who Votes, It’s Who Counts Them

    Joe Biden's handlers would have you believe -- and this is but one example of the line they expect Americans to swallow -- that ghetto districts in Milwaukee voted in numbers greater than 90% of the electoral roll. Some would accept such wonders in the name of good manners and observed convention. Donald Trump isn't cut from such cloth

    Nov 05 2020

    3 mins

  • Trump’s Conventional Logic

    In early July, when online bookies posted odds of 3-1 on President Trump being re-elected, I put $400 on The Donald taking the laurels on Nov 3. The odds have come way down since then, and the vision and principles showcased at the GOP convention make me think they will shrink even further

    Sep 14 2020

    10 mins