The Latest From Sinclair Davidson
Economists George Akerlof and Robert Shiller are a pair of Nobel laureates, which should have warned me against wasting money on their silly and patronising book. To their chagrin, consumers are just too busy being human to embrace the dour and austere existence they seem to recommend
Feb 10 2016
10 mins
Those who know best -- or want us to think they do -- insist that cigarette boxes with gruesome images have been a raging success. The statistics say otherwise, but why bother with humble facts when there are careers to be built, profiles to be raised and fellow citizens whose behaviour needs regulating?
Aug 12 2014
5 mins
Another part of the story, I suspect, is the intellectual exhaustion on the left. They just don’t have a story to tell. Snarky comments can fit into twitter but full argument cannot.
Apr 10 2012
1 mins
Sinclair Davidson reveals that both the Rudd government’s White Paper into the CPRS and the Garnaut Report used the false Himalayan glacier story.
Jan 20 2010
2 mins
The blogger is not off in their own imagination, the blogger is participating in the great conversation of humanity. To my way of thinking blogging is an Oakeshottian conversation.
Nov 15 2009
4 mins
It has quickly become apparent that green jobs will require massive government subsidies to sustain them. They do not create additional value and so cannot become self-sustaining. The biggest question, of course, is to what extent will green jobs crowd out existing jobs? In short what is the opportunity cost of a green job?
Aug 08 2009
5 mins
On December 16 last year the opinion page editor of […]
Mar 08 2009
25 mins