The Latest From Carlos d'Abrera
"After watching the heartbreak of the latest lockdown in Victoria I have formed the view that border closures and other knee-jerk reflexes jeopardise national cohesion. My fellow Australians, I remind you that we are one and free, and that the greatest threat to our freedom is not COVID but our response to it. Now, after delaying too long, I propose to do something about it"
Jun 08 2021
5 mins
The growing phenomenon of the persecution of physicians who refuse […]
Aug 29 2019
11 mins
According to the caring-industrial complex, people sleep on the streets because there is no 'affordable housing'. Apart from demonstrating that identified 'crises' expand in step with the ranks of activist social workers, that demonstrably false argument greatly harms those most in need of genuine help
Dec 22 2018
5 mins