The Latest From Chris S. Friel
The storage place in the priests’ sacristy, where the choirboy said he found the altar wine he and his friend swigged before Pell’s abuse, was not in 1996 the kitchenette he described, it was then a wardrobe for robes and clothes. Not only did he get the wrong location, he got it wrong in a way that shows his evidence was coached
Mar 01 2020
10 mins
Vivian Waller is the principal lawyer at Waller Legal, a […]
May 30 2019
7 mins
One has to wonder about the high-volume tweeting that began blackening George Pell as soon as Victoria Police went hunting for complainants. One anonymous tweeter in particular has been instantly and remarkably well informed about every latest legal, investigatory and media milestone on the long and dirty road to charge and conviction
May 06 2019
9 mins