The Latest From Geoff Walker
When Bob Carr proclaimed vast tracts national parks he did nothing to manage their ever-mounting fuel loads. Now we have the result: firestorms that roar out of the greenies' notional 'wilderness' to ravage the wildlife they claim to care about, plus farms, livelihoods and entire communities
Jan 12 2020
3 mins
Once upon a time local fire brigades kept their communities safe with controlled burns that reduced fuel loads and rejuvenated the bush, just as Aborigines had done for millennia. Then came the eco-theorists and their allies, the pen-pushers and builders of bureaucratic empires. Now no one is safe
Dec 28 2015
4 mins
Slick websites, feel-good boilerplate instead of specific grades on report cards, one of any teacher's most useful tools discarded -- this is what passes for education in our bureacratised state systems. Is it any wonder the latest NAPLAN scores were so dismal?
Aug 13 2015
9 mins
The Climate Council, where Tim Flannery hangs his hat these days, has issued a "research paper" that insists we can limit bushfires by banning coal mines and slashing CO2 emissions. Well they would say that. After battling greens and distant bureaucrats, a veteran firefighter knows better
Oct 22 2014
12 mins