The Latest From Viv Forbes
By any reasonable standard of environmental accounting, Snowy 2.0 is even more foolish than the prime minister whose brainstorm it was. Not only will it do nothing to lower electricity prices, the likelihood is that it will boost the emissions it is intended to reduce
Sep 02 2018
11 mins
Ron died quietly at his home in Rockhampton on 2 March 2011 aged 81.
Mar 04 2011
5 mins
Some people think that the global warming scam is finished and that there is no further threat to our jobs, our economy and our energy supplies. Unfortunately there is no reason to relax. Public opinion has changed but the politicians have not.
Jun 15 2010
3 mins
The Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (the Australian ETS) cannot have any beneficial effects on climate, but it and its associated policies will certainly increase farm costs, decrease farm employment and reduce food production.
Aug 08 2009
6 mins