The Latest From Anthony Dillon
In Australia, it doesn’t matter how unfortunate your past or current circumstances, there are always fellow Aussies, both indigenous and non-indigenous, ready to lend a helping hand. That’s what we do, what Australians have always done The problem that can't be fixed by anyone else is the mindset of those who wrap themselves in the mantle of the perpetual victim
Nov 15 2023
5 mins
It is four years since Bill Leak drew a cartoon that turned a brilliant spotlight on the abuse and neglect of Aboriginal kids, very soon finding himself vilified and harassed by people so low they would have needed a ladder to tie his shoe. We lost Bill not long after, but not those more determined to make a fuss about Captain Cook than a small child pack-raped in a remote community
Aug 05 2020
5 mins
Many times I have heard blactivists dismiss high rates of community violence and child abuse with the throwaway line, 'Walk a mile in our shoes before you criticise.' Maybe they should try walking a few yards in the shoes of the police just to see what it's like
Jun 29 2020
4 mins
If Alan Jones' long career at the microphone teaches us anything it is that the Left must be challenged and contested at every turn. Let their inclinations to control and censor go unchallenged and they will continue to hip-and-shoulder civil debate from democracy's stage and force it further into the wings
May 16 2020
5 mins
Up until the economy was crippled by the experts' lockdowns and business closures, a family I know were getting by thanks to the mother's part-time job, the one that generated a little extra cash to pay for dentists and sports camps. That family is Australia in miniature, stunned by the speed with which their hoped for future was taken away
Apr 24 2020
4 mins
As was seen during this latest bushfire season and so many others before it, Australians are capable of working together, enduring together and overcoming together. As the Wuhan virus stops the world in its tracks, we can -- we must -- do so once more. The alternate course is gruesome
Mar 21 2020
5 mins
If it’s villains the public want, then the media are shamefully quick to oblige. With selective reporting and spin they made the bushfires a vehicle for blaming coal mining in general and the PM in particular. He was, were you to believe The Guardian, ABC and other outlets, the perpetrator of one of the greatest outrages against human decency in living memory
Feb 25 2020
5 mins
A few years ago, I spoke at a conference on the prevention of sexual abuse against Aboriginal children, a huge problem and which inspired NITV to cover the gathering on its webpage. The topic attracted but a handful of reactions because, well, it's not as much fun as complaining about 'white racism', a subject guaranteed to draw comments by the hundreds
Sep 17 2019
10 mins
In August 2015, when AFL star Adam Goodes was being booed in stadia from coast to coast, Anthony Dillon injected a note of reality into what had become an entirely predictable exercise in theatrical outrage and ostentatious victimhood. Today, with a new documentary re-orchestrating the chants of 'racism!', Anthony's essay warrants a reprise
Jul 22 2019
7 mins