The Latest From David Barton
The government of Premier Jacinta Allan is re-writing a slather of public-land acts with the intention of placing Crown land and state parks under Aboriginal control. The day is not far off when a High Country picnic will require 'indigenous permission' and, inevitably, a fee
Jul 18 2024
7 mins
Conservatives have been too tolerant, too lenient, too accommodating for too long, so mild-mannered we've become victims to our own passivity. Look at Their ABC, to cite but one example, and the succession of Coalition ministers too weak to insist it honour its charter. Look around, we're reaping what we sowed -- and didn't sow
May 21 2024
7 mins
After discovering she was ‘Aboriginal’ on the basis of one-sixtyfourth heritage, Simone went on to lead her university's indigenous student committee. She did not have to pay fees or medical bills, and many other areas of her life were subsidised. There was a downside, though, in that she found friends resented her perks. But that dismay soon passed when she realised they were privileged white racists intent on worsening her intergenerational trauma
Nov 23 2023
6 mins
A false claim was made on Insiders which the national broadcaster subsequently 'clarified', but its mere utterance was enough to see Facebook reach for the blue pencil. For more than a month that followed, a Melbourne businessman's page opposing the Voice was hobbled and its reach curtailed. Big Tech's arrogant wokeists had struck again
Sep 16 2023
6 mins
At the conclusion of two hours' worth of fact-free spruiking for a 'Yes' vote from Jon Faine, Marcia Langton, Rachel Perkins and Marcus Stewart, the Woodend audience erupted in rapturous applause. After the event, I chatted briefly to the old chap who had been seated beside me, but didn’t dare ask him if he were a Yes or No voter. You see, we’re already divided
Jun 28 2023
8 mins
It seems white guys are to blame for all the world's ills, no brownie points being awarded for achievements that range from democracy itself to formerly cheap electricity and the presumption of innocence. Where did we fail? That’s an easy one – we’ve been too tolerant to defend key institutions and values with a vigour that matches those who would tear them down. We played by the rules, whereas those who seek to destroy write their own. We’ve been stupid to let them
Jun 14 2023
6 mins
Let’s be under no illusion about Yes23's current TV ad -- no doubt there will be many more in coming months -- which purports to advocate the righting of a wrong but is nothing better than a slick package of deception and misrepresentation
May 17 2023
7 mins
There is a de-facto war being waged against the very idea of Australia and, as in any war, it's about ownership. Who is going to control the country? Will it be all Australians through our democratically elected parliaments, or will it be controlled by people who ignore European bloodlines and heritage to identify solely as Aboriginal? The Voice referendum will very soon determine the answers to those questions
Apr 06 2023
9 mins