The Latest From Dennis Morton
Federal and state governments are now attempting to retrospectively enforce solutions for energy-policy errors of omission and commission. What none, apart from Western Australia, seem able to acknowledge is that all gas fields eventually reach theĀ end of their commercially productive lives and need to be replaced. If that isn't allowed to happen, stock up on candles while paying a lot more for much less
Jun 20 2023
28 mins
The alarmists' warnings about long-term climate changes arise from short-term sampling, which understandably produces straight-line projections. Given that 130,000 years is about the typical length of a planetary climate cycle, this approach is akin to examining one frame from a feature movie and presuming to predict the plot, characters, location, climax and box office receipts. Future generations will shake their heads at such arrogant stupidity
Feb 28 2023
8 mins