The Latest From Alistair Nicholas
According to the ABS, a majority of Australians has already mailed back their gay-marriage ballots, so these arguments are necessarily directed at those whose pens have yet to make their mark. There is indeed much to weigh, not least the spineless incompetence of our political class
Oct 05 2017
10 mins
We do not know what legislation might go before the federal parliament should the 'Yes' case succeed, which is ample reason in and of itself to vote 'No'. Mangling the premier theologian of the Catholic Church, as Greg Sheridan has done, sheds not the slightest light on what might be yet to come
Sep 10 2017
7 mins
In making his case for same-sex marriage, man of the cloth and the Left Frank Brennan calls on reason to genuflect before sophistry. He should heed a fellow Jesuit, Pope Francis, who rates homosexual unions not even 'remotely analogous to God’s plan for marriage and family'
Sep 05 2017
4 mins
It's heresy, but the bishops fulminating about cuts have it all wrong. Less government money means less government influence -- never a bad thing -- plus an opportunity to renew the teaching of the Faith. A campaign for vouchers would be more useful than the carping of clerical rent-seekers
May 06 2017
5 mins
Conservatives shouldn't be demanding the sacking of this very silly young woman from Islamic Central Casting. Indeed, rather than emulate the Left and apply the gag to someone whose opinions offend, we should beg the ABC to give her even more airtime. Nothing does more damage to a cause than a fool
Apr 30 2017
5 mins