The Latest From Joanna Hackett
Eighty years after my father returned from the war, the shrieking ghouls howling their hatred on our streets and universities turn my thoughts to a family heirloom, an elderly Jew's gift of gratitude, and I wonder with disgust how the evil we're seeing was imported and allowed to take root in my country
May 01 2024
3 mins
Australia gave the Voice an emphatic, uncontestable NO! What we need now are strong leaders, conviction politicians who will stand up and reject absolutely treaties, makarratas, claims of sovereignty, land rights, reparations, and never-ending guilt-tripping. It’s time for our leaders to step up because the people have spoken
Dec 06 2023
11 mins
The ads for the Yes vote are now hitting our screens and what a smarmy, smiley, simpering bunch of sycophants they show us. How they bore the pants off us with the old poor-me whinge. If the blatant lies in some of these ads arouse your ire, complain. Then complain again. Complain all the way to the top because I reckon it’s time for some genuine 'truth-telling'
Jul 30 2023
21 mins
Becoming a purveyor of political bumper stickers has made me aware of a concern, held by many, that expressing the principle race does not belong in the Constitution may incite Yes supporters to vandalism, harassment, even violence. How big is the risk to a house or car? Negligible, if my stickered car and home are a guide. How big is the risk to our country if we do nothing?
Jan 05 2023
6 mins
After checking that the online outfit was really Australian and not some devious Chinese mob, Josie logged on and designed and her first sticker. It had a beautiful big Australian flag and read 'Don't welcome me to my own country'. She didn't know it at the time, but a national movement had just been born
Oct 10 2022
20 mins
Now is the moment for Australians to take a knee, wave some of Ernie Dingo’s sacred smoke around and acknowledge that Bruce is more than amazing. He is bloody brilliant, the incredible Uncle Teflon!
Jul 27 2021
18 mins
The Children's Book Council of Australia's, a body whose endorsement once counted for something, has just declared Bruce Pascoe's 'Young Dark Emu' one of 2020's best books. In July, when this essay first appeared, Quadrant warned that honouring a book of misrepresented history by an author who misrepresents himself would do immense damage to the CBCA's reputation. Alas, the judges didn't listen
Oct 20 2020
4 mins
It was a clear and balmy night when the first […]
Sep 29 2020
19 mins