The Latest From Aynsley Kellow
As economic activity recovered post-COVID, energy demand surged, but supply could not keep pace due to the neglect and closure of carbon-fueled generation. As a further and directly related factor, add to this finance sector's enthusiasm for ESG -- environment, social and governance -- which has seen capital expenditure on oil and gas decline by almost 60 per cent since 2014
May 22 2023
12 mins
I concluded a book in 1996 by pondering what might be needed to respond to the threat of climate change, which I accepted as a given. Then, over time, I began to note climate science's reliance on fallacious arguments and its advocates' wild-eyed schemes. Now, to crown this litany of folly, we are urged to help the planet reach carbon neutrality. Well it can't be done, it's as simple as that
Jul 03 2022
18 mins
Malcolm Turnbull was hailed by warmists when, in 2007, he had incandescent bulbs banned, a goal Planet Ark had been working to achieve with Philips. The activists' enthusiasm was understandable, as was that of an energy minister keen to burnish his environmental credentials, but what was Philips interest? Regulating cheap, off-patent bulbs out of existence has meant windfall profits
Oct 12 2021
20 mins
On December 11, 2020, James R. Flynn passed away. Flynn […]
Apr 29 2021
11 mins
While swine flu was not as infectious as Covid, governments did not close down societies and economies and trample civil liberties. Why is COVID different? Several factors help to explain the extraordinary reaction. Media, both social and conventional, inflated the perception of risk. Bad news sells, and the madness of crowds now spreads electronically
Nov 12 2020
22 mins
All models are wrong but some are useful, which cannot be said of the casualties projected for a disease that has proven about as lethal as a seasonal flu. Recall that 1969's Hong Kong flu killed an estimated one million worldwide but did not stop the Woodstock festival. Yet driven by fear and folly we have trashed an entire economy
Jun 15 2020
25 mins
It is a brave political leader who fails to follow scientific advice in the present climate, but by failing to consider critically that advice they have done -- and continue to do -- much more harm than they need have done
Mar 27 2020
16 mins
What to make of green-minded millenarians, Extinction Rebellion and the child activist Greta Thunberg, who have convinced governments to declare 'climate emergencies'? History suggests, and the present confirms, the failure of such prophecies only inspires true believers to even more frantic demonstrations of their faith and fervour
Jan 16 2020
20 mins
Wind turbines and birds do not mix, and the impact on raptor species is particularly concerning. Wedge-tailed eagles, for example, take up to six years to reach breeding age and generally produce only one chick a year. When even Bob Brown can grasp the threat, why are we building more of them?
Sep 16 2019
22 mins