The Latest From Cliff Ollier
Currently the world is in the grip of one those phenomena known as the Madness of Crowds.
Jul 10 2012
7 mins
To demonise CO2 yet again, a false claim is that human production of CO2 will cause the oceans to become acid.
May 24 2012
5 mins
I heard some of the speeches at the rallies and thought them a bit technical. I think we need simpler messages, so to give it a go I wrote the following poem – a bit of doggerel to re-inforce just one point.
Mar 29 2011
1 mins
As the world has been getting cooling since 1998 the global warming alarmists have to scare us with other things. A favourite is rising sea level, allegedly caused by rapid melting of the ice caps of Antarctica and Greenland.
May 31 2009
5 mins