The Latest From Jack Weatherall
The next time you see a supposed 'unquestionable fact check' from the mainstream media, by all means read it but do keep a large grain of salt close at hand. If you have the time, do your own research because, if it comes from the MSM, you will only get 'facts' that fit the narrative -- even when that requires turning a blind eye to the glaringly obvious
Feb 18 2022
11 mins
They've had a bit of rain of late in Germany, which meant the alarmists were screaming 'unprecedented!' and 'climate change-induced disasters'. The ABC, of course, took up the cause without ever bothering to check the records. Had that basic journalistic duty been fulfilled, the only story would have been the loss of life, as there was nothing at all odd about the latest deluge
Jul 28 2021
10 mins
It may well be that you heard a recent ABC report about Hobart shattering a summer temperature record that had stood for all of 122 years. Well, an FOI request reveals the allegedly unprecedented spike lasted no longer than a single anomalous second and that the BOM cannot produce any data to prove that it happened at all
Apr 21 2021
15 mins
Unless Australia intends to follow the example of the Tokugawa shogunate and seal itself off from the world indefinitely, this readily transmitted virus will return with every easing of restrictions. Worse, as other nations emerge with degrees of herd immunity, those yet to see the infection run its course will remain vulnerable amid the wreckage of their economies
Jul 21 2020
8 mins
Rather than face the hard decisions for which they were elected, politicians ceded responsibility to public health officials who set to work with a sledgehammer where a scalpel was required. The immense post-COVID pain we must endure is the bitter fruit of political cowardice's endorsement of unfettered bureaucratic zeal
May 15 2020
7 mins
We must not let the hairs stand up on our primal selves' necks when considering the contributions of those such as the UK's Sir Patrick Valance, who advocated protecting the most vulnerable while allowing herd immunity to build in the broader population. The longer that immunity takes, the deeper, broader and more disruptive the Wuhan virus' impact will be
Mar 18 2020
7 mins
The North Pole is melting, likewise Antarctica, as anyone who has endured the daily parade of catastropharian sermons from the ABC and other credulous outlets will have heard. Trouble is, the waxing and waning of ice at the top and bottom of the world is behaving pretty much as it always has
Feb 15 2020
9 mins
Almost three decades ago, a young man vanished into the wilds of Alaska intent on becoming one with Nature. He paid with his life, which is a path and consequence that might inspire the public nuisances of Extinction Rebellion to reflect on the perils of rejecting the very cradle and convenience of the nurtured, civilised existence that makes possible their dissidence
Oct 12 2019
12 mins
Stockton Beach in NSW has lately been eroded by pounding waves, which serves the national broadcaster as an an excuse to once more spruik Big Climate's latest IPCC report and its scary tales of drowning cities, swamped infrastructure and, not to put too fine a point on it, global misery for all. What the ABC neglects to mention is that the beach has vanished before and will no doubt return
Oct 04 2019
7 mins