Bastiat was born before his time. He couldn’t have imagined how much worse things could get. Yet to come was Keynesianism and, coming up behind, the wellspring of unseen economic carnage and limitless waste, so-called climate change.
August 25, 2024
8 mins
It is plain silly to be influenced by individual monthly and quarterly inflation numbers. There is too much noise fuzzing-up the the signal for the latest inflation numbers to be of any use. A far better perspective is gained by looking at the annual growth of monetary aggregates. If they are coming down, scotch all thought of hiking rates
August 4, 2024
5 mins
Why doesn’t socialism work? It is a closed or semi-closed system. Production and prices are fixed. Inexorably, gaps form between supply and demand for individual products. Resources are misapplied, guided by the whims of economic czars. This is not conjecture, it is a matter of historical experience
July 7, 2024
6 mins
The latest
I am constantly struck by the economic ignorance dressed up as expertise. It pours forth from Treasury, from the Reserve Bank and, of course, from the economics commentariat. What all that suggests is that the ghost of John Maynard Keynes remains hard at work turning logic on its head
May 28, 2024
8 mins
As Jim Chalmers' budget made no claims about Donald Trump and Russian puppetmasters, there was no opportunity for the ABC's Sarah Ferguson to take viewers on a globe-girdling flight of fancy. Instead, and to her considerable credit, she gave the Treasurer and his fiscal fantasies a thorough thrashing. Well done, Ms Ferguson
May 19, 2024
6 mins
You don’t end up in Argentina’s shattered situation due to isolated and random events. You get there incrementally, one tax, one rule and one regulation, one woke judge's juling at a time. How to claw your back? New President Javier Milei has some ideas involving chainsaws and public servants that might just be do the trick here
March 10, 2024
9 mins