The Latest From Roger Kimball
Maybe someone should hire Joe Biden to teach philosophy, or […]
Sep 30 2021
8 mins
It will be many years before we get a full and accurate measure of the repercussions of America's humiliating exit from Afghanistan, but this much we know. It has gravely damaged the already tottering administration of Joe Biden. It has disconcerted US allies and emboldened enemies. And it has marked another waypoint on the 'melancholy, long, withdrawing roar' of US power
Sep 05 2021
8 mins
This is supposed to be a New York letter, but […]
Apr 29 2020
9 mins
In about three weeks, maybe four, it will all be over and many people will feel sheepish about their overreaction to the Wuhan virus. In the meantime, on the theory that no crisis should go to waste, the usual suspects are attempting to weaponize the government against freedom, just as Obama's Democrats did during the GFC
Apr 15 2020
10 mins
Nigel Farage was doused recently with a milkshake, which not only ruined a nice suit but highlighted the mania of the Left. Brexit, Trump, the ascension of Boris Johnson -- for so-called progressives these aren't manifestions of the democratic will but incitements to a galloping lunacy
Jul 30 2019
9 mins
If Donald Trump manages to unravel the prerogatives and power of the bureaucratic elite whose rules and regulations reach deep into the interstices of everyday life to hamper initiative, stymie independence and stifle originality, he will have fulfilled his most important campaign promise
Mar 23 2017
10 mins
Hillary Clinton’s health had long been an issue, but chiefly amongst those who have long maintained she is unfit in more than a physical sense to take up residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Her latest episode has makes it a mainstream fixation
Sep 13 2016
10 mins
Aristotle tells us that tragedians value probable impossibilities over improbable possibilities. It is possible Mexico, China, Iran and all others Donald Trump proposes to bend to his will will acquiesce in his ambition to “make America great again”. But let us acknowledge it is supremely improbable
May 07 2016
12 mins
The suffocating sense of guilt that afflicts university life has beenwhipped into a cocktail of self-congratulation, on the one hand, and menacing intolerance, on the other. Doubtless it portends many things, but support for liberal education or liberal society, properly understood, is not among them
Dec 28 2015
12 mins