The Latest From John McLean
No doubt inspired by the loftiest motives, Pope Francis appears poised to emblazon a document of blithering climate-change nonsense with the authority and endorsement of the Vatican seal. If only he had taken a moment to remind himself of those warnings about false prophets
Jun 17 2015
4 mins
Despite acknowledged flaws in computer models and global temperatures' prolonged plateau, three august Australian bodies have issued reports insisting that the climate-change "crisis" is real, bad and getting worse. Have they no shame?
Mar 03 2015
8 mins
Warmist politicians and professional alarmists who tell us man-made global warming is an increasing problem are forever repeating the mantra that "the science is settled". Given the acknowledged flaws and discordant findings of their cited models, that confidence reflects either ignorance or deceit. There is no other explanation
Aug 19 2014
6 mins
After his not-too-demanding stint at Media Watch, the forever-smug Jonathan Holmes has settled into a columnist's gig at Australian journalism's daily travesty. When he insisted man-made climate change must be real because his mates tell him so, a rebuttal was impaled on the editor's spike. Here is the column the Age will not print
Jul 10 2014
5 mins
The upcoming IPCC report is the end result of a convoluted process that mangles science and then smothers whatever of value remains with nakedly politically re-writes and tinkering
Aug 23 2013
5 mins
The numbers don't add up, discounted airfares aren't taken into account, and it won't be any faster than flying on some routes. About the only thing going for Gillard & Co.'s High Speed Rail proposal is that modern journalists cannot bring themselves to question "expert" appraisals
Apr 20 2013
7 mins
As one of the chief advisers and architects of the Gillard governments, Will Steffen is one of the go-to experts for instant quotes on the planet's imminent peril. You would think he might know the difference between climate and weather
Apr 03 2013
7 mins
Pull back the curtain on the IPCC and what you find are mates peer-reviewing mates, papers manufactured on demand and, worst of all, an institutionalised bias that begins and ends the dogmatic notion that mankind is the planet's greatest enemy
Mar 12 2013
7 mins
The latest Climate Commission exercise in rampant alarmism and twisted stats is a case study in selective omission. Why let the facts get in the way of a good scare?
Mar 05 2013
9 mins