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Michael Galak

Michael Galak

The Latest From Michael Galak

  • How to Choose Better Immigrants

    I don’t care about the race, colour, religion, ethnicity of a potential immigrant to Australia. My only reason in writing this article is an unwillingness to live next door to people who are unable or unwilling to integrate into our society

    Apr 21 2024

    17 mins

  • This Time There Will be no Negotiations

    The footage from Israel is stomach-turning, leaving no reason to doubt that Netanyahu in intent on honourings his promise to destroy Hamas completely and utterly. And, in what should serve as a warning to the world, there his invitation for the West to recognise its own self-interest and unite against the terror sponsored by Russia and Iran

    Oct 13 2023

    7 mins

  • The Bully With Feet of Clay

    The liberal democracies, contrary to their core interests, decided to be accommodating when the USSR collapsed. Instead of disarming a well-known predator, we respected Russia’s sensibilities, indulged its bruised national pride and embraced the notion that its military was monolithic and unstoppable. Now, after sitting idle while Putin invaded Georgia, snatched Crimea and marched into Ukraine, the failure of that offensive and the revolt by Wagner mercenaries testify to the West's years of delusion

    Jun 20 2023

    11 mins

  • Putin Now Has One More Reason to Watch his Back

    The indictment of Vladimir Putin as a war criminal by the International Court of Justice has been widely perceived as a bit of a pantomime, a largely symbolic gesture unlikely to change his behaviour in any way. This is a hasty and rather shallow surmise. The ICC's arrest warrant also informs the inner circle of Putin's supporters that they, too, could sooner or later find themselves in the dock. Self-interest applies in Moscow just as it does everywhere else

    Mar 29 2023

    8 mins

  • Three Chanukah Cheers for the Maccabees

    If Jewish rebels had not triumphed against both the odds and their Syrian occupiers, the West as we know would not exist. With Judaism outlawed and the Torah lost, Christianity could never have arisen, nor its many contributions, inspirations and influences. No Sistine Chapel for starters and, far more important, no recognition of the individual as society's foundation stone

    Dec 17 2022

    6 mins

  • A Letter to an Ingrate Russian Emigre

    '. . . Igor, please listen. You must understand that by professing your support for Putin and his mob of murderers, looters and rapists you create an impression that the Russian-speaking people living in Australia are disloyal, ungrateful for all the help, care and freedom this generous country has given us . . .'

    Oct 14 2022

    7 mins

  • Russia’s Strange Notion of ‘Justice’

    There are quirks and tics within the Russian mindset entirely foreign, and often incomprehensible, to those imbued with Western sensibilities. Take 'spravedlivost', for instance, which the unaware translate simply as 'justice'. What they overlook is that the term is perceived as meaning 'nobody should have more than I do'. Should that be the case, action is warranted

    Aug 09 2022

    7 mins

  • A Passover Reflection on the Ukraine War

    The Jews held in Egypt's bondage rebelled against their slavery and submission to a culture which denied them respect and dignity, choosing 40 hard years on the road before finally arriving at the promised land of freedom. It is much the same path being followed by today's Ukrainians as they continue against all odds to defy Moscow's modern Pharaoh

    Apr 23 2022

    4 mins

  • Vladimir Putin, You Have My Deepest Gratitude 

    I am in your debt, as is all the West, for revealing the true nature of your own country: its evil, its heartlessness and the inability of your people to know right from wrong. Above all, let me thank you for destroying -- admittedly with a little help from Ukraine's patriots -- the myth of your military's indomitable strength

    Apr 09 2022

    7 mins