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Elizabeth Beare

Elizabeth Beare

The Latest From Elizabeth Beare

  • My Bedside Joy: A Gentleman in Moscow

    Amor Towles' novel is a wonder, an addiction, a philosophical ramble and, most of all, a fable that addresses the universal desire for a moral compass, which it offers as one founded on proper upbringing, on civility, on honesty and on due respect for what has gone before

    Mar 18 2018

    18 mins

  • A Personal Reflection on My Fair Lady

    Performing once more in Sydney this year has been a […]

    Nov 30 2017

    12 mins

  • A Personal Reflection on ‘My Fair Lady’

    Any advances in life I have made since a kindly teacher took my diction in hand owe much to my 'improved' accent. For what it’s worth, my conclusion about Eliza Doolittle’s social mobility (and my own) is that it is all about picking up cues.  Languages and cultures are both learned and changeable

    Oct 28 2017

    12 mins

  • The Woman Who Was Eddie Burrup

    The full force of 'cultural appropriation' came down upon Elizabeth Durack when the story of her Aboriginal alter ego emerged much sooner than she would have wished. It was who and what the artist was that mattered to her attackers, not the wonderful works themselves

    Jul 29 2017

    14 mins