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  • Remember this? December 2009

    Mike Carlton on climate sceptics: “These people are not merely deluded. They are downright dangerous.” 

    Feb 10 2010

    1 mins

  • After the “Apology”

    “Beside me is a child with nowhere to go because his family members are blind drunk. The parade of the bleeding and bashed has begun. Hanging in the night air is the sickly sweet stench of blood and alcohol, cut by the plaintive wails of beaten humanity.”

    Feb 10 2010

    2 mins

  • Monckton at the ABC

    Jon Faine, ABC Melbourne radio announcer, had Lord Christopher Monckton on his show to debate Rupert Posner. This is what happened.

    Feb 08 2010

    0 mins

  • As Cory sees it

    Alan Jones: “Cory Bernardi brings significant intellectual and philosophical resources to the Liberal Party at a time when many of its supporters felt the Party was losing its way.”

    Feb 08 2010

    1 mins

  • Culture catcher: 21

    Jeff Sparrow, the editor of Overland: “Lunacy squared: A deranged Quadrant forum about the Oz's deranged forum on the Left.”

    Feb 08 2010

    1 mins

  • Sophie Masson – Favourite Poems

    Sophie Masson has chosen two favourite poems by Shakespeare and Yeats. Both poems are read by Lionel Farrell.

    Feb 08 2010

    2 mins

  • Monckton in Melbourne – photos

    Lord Monckton lectured yesterday in packed to the rafters venues in Melbourne. The photos tell the story.

    Feb 02 2010

    0 mins

  • The Guardian (!!) on Climategate

    Guardian headlines:“Leaked climate change emails scientist ‘hid’ data flaws. Exclusive: Key study by East Anglia professor Phil Jones was based on suspect figures.”

    Feb 02 2010

    1 mins

  • Abbott beat-up backfires

    John Styles: “If Australian parents were to choose anyone other than themselves to give advice to their children about pre-marital sex, Tony Abbott would be preferred by far to Catharine Lumby.”

    Jan 30 2010

    0 mins