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The Latest From admin

  • Delingpole defeats Faine

    James Delingpole was interviewed by Lefty Jon Faine. The ABC says the conversation was “feisty” - it was D Day in Melbourne.

    Apr 28 2012

    1 mins

  • No Matter What…

    Black leaders and their guilty white allies blame these social problems on historic oppression and lack of government aid, and demonize those who challenge such views as – what else? – racist.

    Apr 20 2012

    2 mins

  • Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance

    The ATA, a grassroots free-market centre-right advocacy/activist group, is being launched in Sydney on 1 May.

    Apr 13 2012

    2 mins

  • Age publishes Bolt

    Yesterday The Age gave Andrew Bolt a top story bashing, today they published his Letter to the Editor.

    Apr 13 2012

    1 mins

  • Little Green Lies

    Sometimes people bend the truth because they believe they are protecting others from the harm caused by environmental decay. Others do it for personal gain.

    Apr 11 2012

    3 mins

  • Left right on Arts

    A Left website has published an interesting article.

    Apr 11 2012

    2 mins

  • Planning for Earth Hour

    Earth Hour is fun time at the Blair household. Some party tips from Tim.

    Mar 27 2012

    2 mins

  • Media Watch hypocrisy on Counterpoint

    The ABC’s Media Watch fails to demand that the media acknowledge the financial backing received by scientists who support global warming. Today on Counterpoint Jennifer Marohasy discusses this political hypocrisy, and the Murray mouth controversy.

    Mar 26 2012

    1 mins

  • Blacklist culture

    Melinda Smith: "I’ve just been at a poetry conference where it was made clear to me that publishing in Quadrant was a bad career move because it espouses the wrong kind of politics. I knew that already."

    Mar 23 2012

    1 mins