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Planning for Earth Hour


Mar 27 2012

2 mins

Earth Hour is fun time at the Blair household. Some party tips from Tim.


by Tim Blair

Earth Hour is with us again this Saturday night, so you’ll want to start planning.

For your normal Earth Hour types, this is a simple procedure. Just turn all your lights off at 8.30pm and sit there thinking that you’re Jesus. But for those of us in the Hour of Power movement, a proper celebration requires substantial commitment.

Just follow my essential power party guide and you’ll be set.

First, it’s symbolically vital that you turn on every single light for the appointed hour. Sounds easy enough, but there is always a sneaky bulb out on the back porch or in the garage. Be vigilant. Don’t let even the smallest or least visible globe escape illumination.

Toddlers are especially useful for this. “Just preparing for Earth Hour,” a friend texted before 2009’s event. “Max is loving running through the house turning all our switches on. We think he’s really learning something important!”

If you know anybody in the local council or the film industry, lean on them for a one-night use of something massive for the backyard. These people have got lights that you wouldn’t believe. Point them at your pool and it’ll evaporate like a state Labor party.

Food is important. Put some thought into what you serve. According to as recent study, the basic prawn cocktail has an absolutely massive carbon footprint. Biologist J. Boone Kauffman found that, with transport and refrigeration factored in, just 100 grams of prawns shipped from a typical Asian farm represents a total carbon output of 198kg.

So you’ll be eating prawns, then. Plus pizza. The delivery kid won’t have any problems finding your house for once, what with it being lit up like a supernova.

Source: Tim Blair’s blog



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