The media is the menace

Roger Franklin

Jul 17 2024

1 mins

The Washington Free Beacon‘s editors resist the temptation to see the Democrats’  “moronic and misguided talking points” as inspiring Thomas Crooks’ attempt on the life of Donald Trump. There are, however, “a few things we do know”, including an appreciation of how unhinged coverage — like the New Yorker cover above — is doing nothing to stem contempt for the legacy media.

♦ The Democratic Party has bathed itself in violent and hysterical rhetoric about Trump. See above. And yet, the Democratic Party has consistently egged on Trump in the belief that he is the weakest possible standard bearer for the GOP.

Trump is a force of nature, a unique political talent, and a showman who at the moment of maximum danger [on Saturday] was at his finest. As it turns out, the Republican primary voters who nominated him see things clearly.

♦ The media are a spectacularly incompetent and ineffectual arm of the Democratic Party that has done more to empower Trump’s rise and resurrection than any other institution in American life. Their raison d’etre is defeating Trump and they’re about to go one for three.

♦ The ultimate dissonance comes from the well-wishes of Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, and other pooh-bas of the Democratic Party. “Get well soon, Donald, so you can get back to destroying our democracy!” Either they didn’t actually believe their self-interested talking points about Trump the tyrant or they are coming to the realization that the public doesn’t buy it.

The Democrat-Media complex has chosen the method of its destruction, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to imagine anything other than a Trump restoration in November. We can’t help but savor it.

Roger Franklin

Roger Franklin

Online Editor

Roger Franklin

Online Editor


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