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Pardon if I’m More Bleak Than Usual

Peter Smith

Jun 23 2024

4 mins

Without the rule of law Western civilisation would be dead. Ergo Western civilisation, if not dead, is gasping for breath. Vengeful and vexatious lawfare is being openly waged against Donald Trump by his political opponents. They are not the least shy about it. The rule of law, under which everyone is treated equally, no longer applies in America. It would be a mistake to think that this travesty is a transitory aberration. The bluff has been called. Constitutional guarantees were always meaningless in the absence of patriotism and honour. Patriotism and honour are no longer abiding characteristics on the left side of the political fence. A darkness is spreading across human affairs.

This darkness is not isolated to the rule of law nor is it unique to America. Earlier this year a by-election took place in Rochdale, following the death of the incumbent Labour member for parliament. Rochdale is a working-class Lancashire town in England, adjacent to Manchester and close enough to…

Peter Smith

Peter Smith

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Peter Smith

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