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What a Supine Conservatism has Wrought

David Barton

May 21 2024

7 mins

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result. As that has been the approach of Australia’s conservatives for far too long, we are in deep trouble that is about to get worse unless … well, read on.

What conservatives have been doing for at least the past 40 years no longer works, but this realisation has yet to dawn on most. We all know the world has changed. People over 60 can remember leaving money out with the milk bottles, for instance, or doors unlocked at night because the push-in robberies that are now nightly events were so rare they warranted front-page attention. Public institutions could be trusted to uphold rational and conservative values, and the lobbying of politicians and bureaucrats usually brought about sensible change. Sure, it wasn’t perfect, but at least it enabled a cohesive, well-functioning, largely democratic society which mostly acted in the best interests of the population. Not so today.



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