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Wasting Breath in our Idiotarian Age

Peter Smith

Oct 16 2017

4 mins

idiot III don’t keep close track of these things but apparently the Boy Scouts in the US are going to admit girls. So far, I haven’t heard that the Girl Scouts, or is it Girl Guides, plan to admit boys. What’s going on? What’s the situation in Australia? I simply don’t know.

Scouts go out on camps and such. How will that work? Presumably scout mistresses will have to accompany scout masters to prevent hanky-panky. Boys being boys will be thinking less of how to start a fire without matches and more of what they can do to impress the girls. I think it is yet one more sign of the Western world slipping inexorably into madness.

I read the other day that the Australian Defence Force had spent more than $1 million on sex-change surgeries (male to female / female to male) over the past four years-or-so and this didn’t include various chemical aids. Imagine what the UK’s and Canada’s armed forces have spent; and Obama’s army before Trump came on the scene. Far more, I suspect.

Now stop, think about it, and imagine what investment the Russians, Chinese and North Koreans are making in changing soldier Bills into Jills and vice versa. A brass razoo, I would think. They’re probably concentrating on how to kill their enemies. Just a guess.

Ireland has apparently minted a postage stamp picturing Che Guevara. What lies behind celebrating a vicious revolutionary Cuban communist? Where’s the connection with the Emerald Isle? You might as well ask why the Catholic Church in Ireland stood by in silence while all of the political class embraced the self-evident absurdity of same-sex marriage with such speed and enthusiasm.

There are no rational answers. Nor is there a remedy. A collective malady is not susceptible to psychological intervention.

Countries lose the plot. Extreme nationalism did it in pre-war Germany. Religious fervour does it in Islamic counties. Utopian mirages can bring on communism. In the West, multiculturalism and its crippling progeny, political correctness and identity politics, may be the culprits. To a large extent only those on the Left have fallen prey. Alas, they are disproportionately represented in politics, in the Christian churches, in the media, in schools and universities. And critical mass has now been reached – hence SSM.

Witness also the so-called Safe Schools program in Australia. This could not have been introduced much earlier than it has been. Extolling the virtues of same-sex attraction and gender fluidity to impressionable schoolchildren would not have passed muster not too many years’ ago. People would have thought it to be an exercise in sheer perversity.

Conservatives still do. I mean, why isn’t it perverse to have a normal lad pretend he’s gay or gender-confused when he should be learning algebra or playing football? You might as well ask why trade union leaders support closing down coal power stations, thus throwing workers onto the scrap heap, in forlorn efforts to cool the planet. There are no answers, if reason is applied.

Bjorn Lomborg had a good article in the Weekend Australian (“Clinging to Paris isn’t really cool” is the headline in the ink-and-paper edition) exposing the idiocy of building wind and solar farms. Matt Ridley is an equivalent voice of sanity among those who accept the global warming hypothesis but point out that current policies are both ruinously expensive and ineffective.

Explain to a moron (sorry to someone on the green-left) that the Little Ice Age was not good, that the warming and greening since has been beneficial and that more warming and greening would be still more beneficial. Explain that, even if man-made global warming is on course to become a serious problem, it is best tackled in a cost-effective way. Explain that the current way of tackling it is costly and ineffective. Explain that we should come together to develop the best way to tackle it free from preconceived solutions.

Good luck! You might as well talk to a hatter.

Manipulative social engineers with very queer ideas of what the world should look like have taken over the Left. It’s been a collective body snatch. My dad was on the left. He was a trade unionist who voted (British) Labour all his life. I can’t imagine him fitting into this current ship of fools.

Put the ship of state into the hands of fools and it will sink. We are sinking. Luckily a ship is on the horizon. Is it Abbott or Bernardi on the bridge? Yikes! It’s flying a flag with a star and crescent moon. There goes SSM and Safe Schools.

Peter Smith

Peter Smith

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Peter Smith

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