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How Trump Drives Smart People Moonbatty

Peter O'Brien

Jul 19 2024

14 mins

Paul Kelly is a formidable journalist, but he lost me when he and Troy Bramston co-authored The Dismissal – in the Queens Name in 2015.  I was so appalled by the misrepresentations that permeate this book that I was inspired to write a response Villain or Victim – a Defence of Sir John Kerr and the Reserve Powers published by Connor Court. Thus, I often give his offerings in The Australian a miss.  But recently the headline on one of his stories caught my eye – Trump’s rebirth is still a threat to democratic system.  So, I thought I’d check it out.  It turned out to be as bad as I thought it might.  Here are some excerpts.

Donald Trump has command of the momentum. The transformation is astonishing – the renegade outsider has become the anointed frontrunner. Trump’s defiance of the assassination attempt creates a messianic glow around his persona. The danger for America is greater than ever.

Right, so Kelly is singing from Biden’s song-sheet.  Let’s see where…

Peter O'Brien

Peter O'Brien

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Peter O'Brien

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